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Physical Education

What will I learn in Physical Education?

Intermediate Physical Education focuses on helping you broaden your knowledge of how some of the body’s systems work during activity and sports. It is a dynamic and interesting subject since it can influence and enhance the understanding of what is happening to our body and mind during sports and physical activity.  Physical education analyses the various methods and systems to improve coaching and teaching methods in various sports activities.  Intermediate Physical Education also promotes awareness of various local sport associations advocating sport and physical activity for all, and how sport is developing on an international level. 

How will I benefit from studying Physical Education? 

The skills and knowledge taught in Physical Education will improve your performance, sharpen your knowledge of strategy and tactics, and help you to transfer knowledge from one context to another. Physical Education helps you to foster and strengthen the need to develop motor skills and to engage in various forms of games, sports, and other physical activities throughout your lifetime.  The syllabus covered helps you to enhance and develop your communication, problem solving, organisational and concentration skills. Through group work, students’ presentations, practical fitness testing and assignments, you will be  encouraged to stretch beyond your comfort zones and challenge yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.  

Are there any special considerations?

  • Anybody can opt to study  Physical Education but a basic knowledge of Biology with regards to the body’s systems is recommended.   

What textbooks and/or resources do I need?

OCR PE for AS by Graham Thompson, Nesta Wiggins-James and Rob James  
ISBN: 978-0-340-95868-1 

You can study Physical Education at:

Intermediate Level


No previous knowledge is required


2 years


3 lessons per week

Practical / Tutorial Sessions